
Getting Started with Audiobooks in eLibraryNJ

  • Click on OverDrive Media Console under Getting Started
  • Download the OverDrive Media Console (instructions for downloading)

If using a PC, make sure that your computer has Windows Media Player 9 or newer (download).
*Note – The first time the Windows Media Player attempts to play a copyrighted file, it may alert you that Security Upgrade (instructions) must be performed. This is a one-time process that identifies the copy of Windows Media Player with the computer on which the Player is being used.

Click below to watch these short videos to see step-by-step how to download audiobooks from ListenNJ. They will open in a new window and you will view them via YouTube.

Downloading the OverDrive Media Console
Transferring an Audiobook from OverDrive to your listening device
Security Upgrade for OverDrive

Finding and Checking Out an Audiobook

Go to the eLibraryNJ homepage.

  • Sign in to your Account:
    • Click on Sign In towards the top of the page
    • Select ‘Libraries of Middlesex Automation Consortium’ as your Library
    • Type in your complete library card number beginning with 29370 . . . 
    • Enter your PIN. If you do not have a PIN, you will need to see someone at the circulation desk at the Library. PINs cannot be given out over the phone
    • Hit <Enter> or click on ‘Sign In’

Search for a book:

  • Quick Search
    • By title, author, subject, etc. in the Quick Search on the right side of the page
    • You can narrow the search by eBook or Audiobook
    • You can select to only see titles with copies available
  • Browse Collections
    • Browse the collection by genre in Fiction
    • Browse the Non-Fiction collection by subject
    • Click on the plus sign next to Audiobook Fiction or Audiobook Nonfiction to see the genres and subjects

*If you decide to Browse a category, you may sort all of the results by clicking on title, author, published date, most popular, or date added to the site.

When you find a title you’re interested in, look at the icons shown next to Use On, to see if it is compatible with your computer and portable listening device.

  • Select your book by clicking on the ‘Add to Cart’ link for the title you want in the format you need
  • Your cart will then be displayed
  • To select another book click on ‘Continue Browsing’
  • If you are finished, click on ‘Proceed to Checkout’. After clicking “Proceed to Checkout” you will have an opportunity to change the lending period
  • The Check Out screen asks you to Confirm Checkout and tells you how many other books you currently have checked out
  • The book is now checked out and you may now download your selection

How to Download an Audiobook

  • Click on the ‘Download’ link for your audio book after checking the title out
  • The OverDrive Media Console will open and prompt you for a download location for your audio files
  • Click ‘OK’ to save the files to the default location
  • Select the parts you want to download and click ‘OK’ Depending on the file size and the number of parts to be downloaded, you may have to wait several minutes 

Security Upgrade- First Time Users

The Windows Media Player Security Upgrade
  • First time OverDrive users may then be prompted for the security upgrade mentioned in the note in Getting Started above. Click ‘OK’
  • Cancel the download
  • Click on ‘Tools’ on the title bar of the OverDrive Media Console
  • Click ‘OK’
  • Answer Yes to Allow Windows Media Player to download the security upgrade
  • Then click Play to learn whether the download was successful.
  • Once you have backed up your license you are ready to download your audio book
  • Go back to the eLibraryNJ screen with your selected title(s) and click on the ‘Download’ button again
  • Select the parts you want to download and click ‘OK’ Depending on the file size and the number of parts to be downloaded, you may have to wait several minutes

How to Play and Navigate an Audiobook

  • Highlight the title you’d like to hear in the OverDrive Media Console and click the ‘Play’ button
  • OverDrive Media Explorer opens and begins playing the book
  • Use the On-Screen Navigation of the Media Explorer to jump to specific sections (Click on the part of the book you would like to hear under Parts)

How to Burn an Audiobook to a CD

  • In OverDrive Media Console, highlight a book and click the ‘Burn’ button
  • The OverDrive Media Console Burn Wizard opens to guide you through the steps of burning the book to CD
  • Place a blank CDR in your CD-ROM drive and follow the prompts in the wizard to burn a CD
* Note: Copyright Restrictions — Some titles cannot be burned to a CD because of copyright restrictions. For more information, click on the book cover. Then scroll down to the bottom of the book description. All the Digital Rights Information for that title will be displayed.

How to Transfer an Audiobook to a Portable Device

In OverDrive Media Console, highlight a book and click the ‘Transfer’ button.
The OverDrive Media Console Transfer Wizard open and will prompt you to connect your device. The wizard will guide you through transferring your audiobook to your portable listening device.

Want PDF versions of the above instructions with images to show you what your screen should look like? Select from the list below:

application-pdfGetting Started with Audiobooks
application-pdfFinding & Checking out an Audiobook
application-pdfDownloading an Audiobook
application-pdfOverDrive Media Console Security Upgrade
application-pdfPlaying an Audiobook on Your Computer
application-pdfBurning an Audiobook to CD
application-pdfTransferring an Audiobook to a Portable Device
application-pdfAll Audiobook Instruction Sheets (9 pages)

These documents are PDFs. You will need Adobe Acrobat on your computer to open the files.

Questions? Problems?

Please contact Karen Klapperstuck at (732) 521-5000
or kklapperstuck@monroetwplibrary.org